FASHION VIDEO: rebekka ruétz 21/22 mit „placID reSET“
Januar 2021. rebekka ruétz mit Fashion Film Annual Collection 21/22 „placID reSET“.
Auch rebekka ruétz kommt in diesem Fashion-Januar NICHT nach Deutschland und bietet einen eigenen Fashion Film und zweit Haupt-Termine zu einem rebekka ruétz Get together mit To See And Be Seen – Front Row Insights With Special Guests und Regionality – High Fashion Inspired By Zillertal, Designed In Austria.
The new Annual Collection from rebekka ruétz shown as a Fashion Film at MBFW Berlin consists of the spring-summer collection 21 “placID” and the autumn-winter collection 22 “reSET”. Both are influenced by the events and challenges of the past year. We are all being forced to go new ways, to slow down, to see everything from a distance. This offers us a possibility to rearrange things, to re-prioritize, even to reinvent ourselves. Inspired by the beauty of the Zillertal and the deep connection to the surrounding nature, a down to earth and calming annual collection was created.

rebekka ruétz war im Januar 2021 nicht im Kraftwerk Berlin, sendete online ihr Fashion Video.
CREDITS: Direction, Concept & Idea, Editing: Linda Leitner // @lindaleitner Production & Designer, Concept & Idea: Rebekka Ruetz // @rebekkaruetz Production, Concept & Idea: Michael Pfandler Model & Actress: Tiffany Winteler // @tiffanywinteler Model & Actor: Phil Menke // @phil_menke_ Model & Actress: Helena Miladinovic // @helena_mila Photographer, Light Assistant: Jenny Haimerl // @jenny.haimerl Hair & Make Up Artist: Sabrina Köck // @sabrinakoeck Music & Composition: Tomas Valent @ Madcap // @thom_valent